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INDEX Herewith, an index to twenty selected papers or briefs [in addition to the nineteen currently downloadable, one is 'coming soon' see below]. The papers are listed in the order which I might encourage them to be read if you wanted a progressive, but relatively quick introduction to the main ideas. Though not in all cases, later papers generally are listed first. However, you will find that earlier papers form a conceptual trail to the later pieces building-block ideas appear early, then find themselves woven into a larger picture in time. Wish I could say that was by design ... but it is the case nonetheless. (Generally you will have to look in this index for the date of publication, since the date may not be with the paper itself.) To download [here or from the Papers page] click the paper title or paper size. (Alternatively, there is a standard directory page, with file sizes.) The papers in the download directory are in Acrobat. The Papers page also notes another option for download. First, a comment on the 'Future of Voice,' thanks to a workshop by the Strategy and Policy Unit at the ITU, January 2007. The comments here bear on a couple days of discussion, viewed on this end via the ITU's webcast of the event. Though the sound and video below hark to vintage cellphone quality, I think you will still get the main ideas. About two minutes long. (In some browsers you may have to click on the arrow button to activate it, then again to start.) Now there is also a pdf with the comment organized onto one page (A4 size, letter size).
For the context that gave rise to these comments, you can review ITU's archived webcast of the SPU workshop.
Following on the comments above, what are the facts about 'local dominance'? If you have just one minute, and you like your policy with a little humor, here is field data for one case.
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Internet Governance Presently, there are four items on Internet Governance, particularly reflecting about five years of events during the World Summit on the Information Society, completed November 2005 in Tunis.
1 – Internet Governance – A Framework. (A4 and letter versions) A paper on Internet governance. May 2006.
2 – Internet governance: A tale of community structure and individual initiative. (A4 and letter) Prepared in advance of final negotiations in Tunis, winter 2005. A four-page brief aimed to support the creation of a next locus for world discussion of internet governance [which became the IGF], also to suggest the agenda for such an ongoing dialog.
3 – The Role of Intellectuals. (A4 and letter) A discussion of how intellectuals / academics and policy makers / activists may partner. Applied to the Internet Governance Forum. July 2006.
4 – The Internet Governance Forum: Framework for design. (A4 and letter) A brief submitted for the first consultations on the Internet Governance Forum, February 2006.
Yin and Yang "Innovation and Standardization: Yin and Yang for Policy in Motion," SIIT 2001 Proceedings 2nd IEEE Conference on Standardization and Innovation in Information Technology, International Center for Standards Research, Boulder, Colorado, 2001. The original ideas, from ten years back, updated in a terse five new pages intended to be the accessible statement. [For the original itself, now you can look (way) below: Innovation and Standardization.] Available in both paper sizes: letter and A4 . Policy for Access "Policy for Access: Framing the Question," 2000. Straight talk for policy makers, on access. Punch on the main questions. With a thought experiment focused on Concord, Massachusetts. Available in both paper sizes: letter and A4 . Liberal Evolution "The Liberal Regime in the Millennium: Competiton Policy after Microsoft," paper for the Schumpeter Society Conference 2000, June, Manchester, UK. The conceptual position in a comprehensive, crisp new sequence, then operationalization of this 'new liberalism' including anti-trust, IPR and privacy. Available in both paper sizes: letter and A4 [also in an excerpted version]. Dynamic Policy / Microsoft vs Netscape "Microsoft vs. Netscape: Policy for Dynamic Models Anti-trust and Intellectual Property Rights Revisited," The Limits of Government: On Policy Competence and Economic Growth, Gunnar Eliasson & Nils Karlson, eds., City University Press, Stockholm, 1998. A statement of the conceptual position. The empirical ground: Microsoft versus Netscape leads to the IETFs distinctive mode of operation. "In The Trenches Of The Browser Wars: Standards In The Real World," Handbook of Telecommunications, Kornel Terplan and Patricia Morreale, eds., CRC Press with IEEE Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 2000. A short version of Dynamic Policy.] "Beyond Competition: Where are We in the Dialog about Policy for Telecommunications?" in Beyond Competition, Don Lamberton, ed., Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1995. Some of the basic building block ideas. Intellectual Property Rights / IPR "Intellectual Property Rights: An Evolutionary Reappraisal," Communication & Trade: Essays in Honor of Meheroo Jussawalla, Don Lamberton, ed., Hampton Press, Creskill NJ, 1998. "Social Dimensions [of Economics Research in Communications]," The New Research Frontiers of Communications Policy, Don Lamberton, ed., Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1997. "Communications/Information Technologies in the Knowledge Process: Tools for Value and Job Creation?" Prometeo Liberato? New Information Technology, Employment and Growth, Turin, February 20-21, 1997. A look at employment effects of communications technology. "The WTO Telecommunications Agreements: Policy between Trade and Networks," Twelfth Biennial Conference, International Telecommunications Society, Stockholm, June 21-24, 1998. The WTO agreement, in light of the dynamic formulation. "Dynamic Industry Structure as Policy? Three Alliances and World Telecommunications," in Telecommunication: New Dynamics and Driving Forces, Annaflavia Bianchi and Giuseppe Richeri, eds., IOS Press, Amsterdam, 1996. The global telecom alliances of the early 90s; also, elements of the dynamic formulation taking shape. "Competing Visions for World Telecommunications: The Global Evolution of Industry Structure," in The Race to European Eminence: Who Are the Coming Tele-Service Multinationals?, Ove Grandstrand and Erik Bohlin, eds., North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1994. Competition among ideas, including the dynamic view, as alliances are forming. "Indonesian Telecoms The Development Trajectory," for Indonesias cognizant Minister, timed to the WTO negotiations on telecommunications, 1997. Some of the ideas at work, with developing Indonesia as the setting. "Le débat didées avant et après le démantèlement dAT&T. Une chronique," ("Breakup of the American Telephone Company: The Intellectual Conflict, Before and Since,") Réseaux, as translated by Centre National dÉtudes des Télécommunications, Paris, Nov-Déc 1992. An intellectual history of the AT&T breakup. [Coming soon!] Innovation and Standardization "Telecommunications Policy Between Innovation and Standardization: The Evolving Network," Ninth International Conference, International Telecommunications Society, Sophia Antipolis, France, June 14-17, 1992, the version here. Written in 1991. In many ways, a (if not the) starting point ... though, see immediately below. (Figures are oriented to print seamlessly with the text - if you are viewing on a monitor and using a later version of Acrobat Reader, rotate the figures 90 degrees for easy viewing.) "New Telecommunications Services: Network Externalities and Critical Mass," Telecommunications Policy, vol. 12, no. 3, September, 1988. _The_ precursor: the signature piece on critical mass.
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